Carolyn Jones is a Holistic Health Educator and Chaplain who teaches the art of self-care and practices a ministry of presence. She is licensed by the New York State Chaplain Task Force and serves the community as an herbalist, a certified aromatherapist and reflexologist.
Carolyn holds membership and affiliations with several prestigious organizations: The American Herbalists Guild, Matthew Wood Institute of Herbalism, DOPO Doulas, and Herbalists Without Borders. She teaches community self-care topics and she is also a contributing writer with Mother Earth Living magazine.
Respected by her peers, she embraces and is supported by a strong community of traditional and non-traditional healers who follow uniquely different paths that merge at the crossroads of community health.
The Healing Project Wellness Series is a co-teaching platform that allows for new approaches and concepts as taught by master healers from all walks of life. Subject experts from all over the world are welcomed to discuss their favorite healing modalities.
Prior to embarking on her vocation as a Holistic Health practitioner, she earned an A.A. degree in Liberal Arts (City Tech); a B.A., Mass Communications and M.S., Television & Radio Management (Brooklyn College), to qualify her pedagogic aspirations. Over 25 years of teaching and developing curriculum supports her ability to disseminate life-supporting information in language that is easy to understand.
As a bereavement chaplain, Carolyn Jones specializes in natural self-care methods to alleviate the debilitating emotional pain that arises from grief and loss, a chafing experience that is tragically familiar to her.
Her publications, Pick Up Your Bed and Walk: A Self-Care Guide to Improved Health and Incantations champion the pursuit of healthier lifestyle habits, along with alternative behavior and self-affirming language.
Integrative Medicine is a sturdy foundation for the attainment of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wealth.
One-on-one Herbalism and Aromatherapy courses are available upon request.
Live and Zoom speaking engagements are welcomed. To register or book, please call (347) 301-6577.
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