The Secret of the Imagination is hidden in the dream world. Dreams are magical. Night dreams, day doesn't matter. The enchantment is persistent and recurrent.
The world of one's daydream is a space that accepts the Highest Potential and the totality of possibility as a reality. Daydreams are unencumbered by the obstacles of the real world. As a matter of fact, daydreams can assist in the concoction of a solution to an otherwise worrisome issue.
Imagination sits at the root of this personal delight. Here are the eight subsections of imagination:
1. Effectuative Imagination can be either guided or triggered by random thoughts, instigated by what a person experiences within the framework of their own past experience. It is flexible and allows for continuous change, leading to other forms of imagination.
2. Intellectual/Constructive Imagination arises an established idea or plan that requires a detailed look at the intention of a work to achieve an equally intentional outcome.
3. Imaginative Fantasy is guided and unguided imagination at work. All categories of artists function from this realm. In this world, the rules of the norm can be ignored and flights of fancy can be a stark reality in contrast to the rigid rules of society.
4. Empathy assists us in the act of understanding others. Conversely, those who lack empathy can use their imagination to manipulate others. This brings to fore affective empathy and cognitive empathy. Affective empathy directs us to the behaviors and emotions required to socially coexist with others. On the other hand, narcissistic personalities, for instance, reveals the ability of a person to witness another person's emotional state without being able to feel what they are feeling. This disconnect relieves the individual of any feelings of guilt as they exploit the situation to a personal advantage.
5. Strategic Imagination is governed by thought experiments. Intellectual movement from opportunity to strategy require both visual/spatial and calculative thinking skills at a strategic level. Deep concentration with a healthy dose of creativity and vision helps the thinker make the next big move with empathy and wisdom casting a bright light on the path to an attainable goal.
6. Emotional Imagination operates at the conscious and semi-conscious level. It is one of the most powerful types of imagination because of its ability to intensely dominate the thinking process. Feelings, moods and dispositions give way to the emotional condition. The more acute, the more psychotic.
7. Dreams
Carl Gustav Jung (July 26, 1875 - June 6, 1961) was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology. He believed that dreams are rooted in the unconscious mind.
This what the internationally renowned dream scholar, Robert Moss says about dreams:
" The great trick in life is to do what you love and let the universe support it. To get to that sweet spot, you need to know what you truly desire, not just in your head but in your heart and your gut, and win the endorsement of a Greater Self.
Your dreams will guide you, if you will listen, because dreams reveal the secret wishes of the soul and provide course correction for the delusions of the day. The world around you will guide you, in the play of symbols and synchronicity, if you are willing to pay attention. And over all the time you have spent stuck in old personal histories, your Big Story has been stalking you, wanting to carry you into a life of wild freedom and delight."
Meditate on and give power to the magical. Dream BIG. Tickle your own fancy. Make your soul the target for the sentimental treasures you, so often, willingly hand over to the undeserving.
8. Memory Reconstruction is the selective retrieval of our memory of people, objects, and events. It can construct new knowledge out of random facts, beliefs and experiences which may lead to insight. Keeping in mind that memory is very selective because it is also shaped to conform to our current perception of life.
Dream on...
You can develop a deep connection with your soul by keeping a journal of your dreams. Write, draw, and acknowledge the images and feelings that overtake you in your more lucid dream-state moments, you will sometimes (if not, often) be able to identify prophetic messages, as they relate to your life condition.
Dream your way into a new state of being. Focus on the elements that are relevant to the manifestation of your most desired dreams.